



中廣網 2010-04-27


  Zhonghua News Radio & Shenzhou Easy Radio



  Zhonghua News Radio and Shenzhou Easy Radio are CNR’s specialized channels for audience in Taiwan and overseas. This two channels broadcast in Mandrain, Hokkienese and Hakka and cover southeast China, Taiwan region, Southeast Asia, south Pacific and Japan etc. Zhonghua News Radio is a comprehensive news channel which provides coverage of cross-strait hot issues, as well as the latest news and information for the audience. Shenzhou Easy Radio mainly broadcasts programmes in dialect and art and literature programmes. The Hokkienese and Hakka programmes of this channel play an important role in reporting the news of the ancestral home, conveying the love from homeland and showing the charm of Chinese culture.

來源:中國廣播網    責編:張璇

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